Are certifications site-specific or enterprise wide?

Lecturer: Rike Sandlin
Rivervista Partners LLC
• Site-specific requirements, such as processes, security and employee requirements are localized to a specific site.
• Some management systems are used across multiple sites in an organization and each site is certified to that system.
• ASCDI and B Corp certifications are organizations-wide, but most certifications are tied to each physical site.
• On-site or remote services may be provisioned out of the site.
Rike’s assessment:
Typically, it’s site specific because a lot of the processes, security requirements, employee requirements are specific to what’s going on at that site or at that facility. Now some things can move across an organization that has multiple sites. And so, think of it as a management system that all the sites use and then each site is individually certified to that system.
Other certifications like ASCDI for example, that’s across the organization. B Corp is also across the organization. It’s not site specific, but most of the certifications are tied to a physical site and the process is controlled from that site, for example, on-site or remote services that are provisioned out of that site.